Welcome to Your 

Exclusive Student Share Page 

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Hey ,

Follow Step 1Step 2 and Step 3 below each week to Maximize your weekly income.

As a reminder, you generate $2.00 USD for Each person you refer in the US that initiates 2 clicks on our page (1st click to select destination, and 2nd click to continue). These 2 clicks on our page result in a "Payable Action". Your referrals can be generated as a result of anyone that:

  • Scans your custom QR Code on your flyer; and/or
  • Visits our page through your exclusive social share links, or custom copy links below. 

Note: Access to this Exclusive Share Page has been emailed to you. We recommend you locate and bookmark the email sent from "Compare Quotes Fast" with the subject line: "Welcome to the 2 Click Vacation Referral Program". This important email contains your Exclusive Share Page link, so you can re-visit this page to check your stats and continue sharing.

Your Live Statistics Snapshot as at February 12, 2025

Total Current Month to Date Number of Referrals:  0

Total Current Month to Date Amount Payable: $0.00

Next Payment: Processed within 3 days at the end of this month of February, 2025. 

For more details stats, please login to your portal here:

Step 1: Skyrocket Earnings With Flyer Distribution 

Your Flyer Distribution goal is to maximize the number of people each day in the US, that will receive and scan your custom QR Code on your flyer, then initiate 2 clicks on our page. These 2 clicks result in a $2.00 USD payable action so the more people you can get to complete this payable action, the more revenue you will generate. 

1a) : First Click Here to Download Your Flyer
1b) Base Strategy: "Campus Hand out" - Generate up to $2,000/wk or more

Base Strategy Overview:

For Each University/College within Each US City/State, hire a team of Students/Flyer Distributors to hand out your flyers to as many students on Campus Each week.

Hiring a team is the best approach that will get you the most leverage, however, you may decide to follow this strategy by yourself to start out. 

Benefits of this Strategy:

  • Students would love the opportunity to receive a Complimentary Vacation to a destination of their choice valued at up to $1,200.00 USD;
  • You Generate $2.00 USD each time the flyer recipient scans your QR Code and initiates 2 clicks on our page; 
  • The flyer recipient will receive their selected complimentary vacation voucher, after simply sharing our car insurance savings offer;
  • As a result of their share, CompareQuotesFast.com has the opportunity to help more people save Big on their car insurance; 

Everyone wins...

Detailed steps:

  • Position yourself as a Flyer Distribution Manager, and hire a team of Students/Flyer Distributors from Different Universities/Colleges within each US City/State. (See: https://collegestats.org/colleges/all/)

    See diagram below:
  • Place free ads on Airtasker, Craigslist or any other Job board to hire Students/Flyer Distributors as your Independent Contractors. Pay what you deem is fair and reasonable to hand out your flyers to as many Students they can attending the campus. As they will be your independent contractors, they will operate under your terms and conditions.  

    Sample Ad:
    "Looking for hard working students to pass out flyers to people at; Universities/Colleges. Please contact me for more information. Will pay $xx* per xxxx flyers passed out."
  • After you have hired your Students/Flyer Distributors, email them your flyer you downloaded in 1a above, and have them print 150 A4 copies. There will be 4 flyers on each printed A4 page, so have them cut in the middle horizontally, and in the middle vertically.

    When cut 150 A4 Copies x 4 Flyers Per Page  = 600 Flyers.  
  • If you hired 3 students from 3 Universities/Colleges (9 students) as in diagram above, and you had them print out/cut 600 flyers each week, you would have 5,400 Flyers

    9 students x 600 flyers = 5,400 flyers In Circulation Each week 

    ** Great places to pass out flyers within Colleges/Universities are: Student union building; Business or the education building or at Sporting college events. Your distributors can also post them on popular message boards throughout their College/University.

Earning Potential:

In this example, if only 20% of people scan the QR Code on your Flyer each week, then initiate 2 clicks to reserve their complimentary vacation, here is your Weekly Earning Potential:

20% x 5,400 = 1,080 Scans

1,080 x $2.00 = $2,160.00 USD

Weekly Earning Potential: $2,160.00 USD/Wk.
Annualized Earning Potential: $112,320 USD/Yr

Tip: To Double your Weekly Earning Potential, just get your Students/Flyer Distributors To Double the number they print out and distribute each week from 150 to 300. See the math below:

300 A4 Copies x 4 flyers per page = 1200 Flyers

9 Students x 1200 Flyers = 10,800 Flyers in Circulation Each Week

20% x 10,800 = 2,160 Scans

2,160 x $2.00 = $4,320.00 USD Weekly Earning Potential

1c) Bonus Strategy 1: "Letter Box Drops" Generate up to $3,600/wk & more

Strategy 1 Overview:

Hire a team of Flyer Distributors to drop off your flyers to as many homes Each week, in each City/State across US.

Benefits of this Strategy:

  • Home Owners/Residents would love the opportunity to receive a Complimentary Vacation to a destination of their choice valued at up to $1,200.00 USD;
  • You Generate $2.00 USD each time the flyer recipient scans your QR Code and initiates 2 clicks on our page; 
  • The flyer recipient will receive their selected complimentary vacation voucher, after simply sharing our car insurance savings offer; 
  • As a result of their share, we get to help more people save Big on their car insurance; 

Everyone wins...

Detailed steps:

  • Position yourself as a Flyer Distribution Manager, and hire a team of Flyer Distributors from Different Cities/States across US.

    See Diagram Below:
  • Place free ads on Airtasker, Craigslist or any other Job board to hire Flyer Distributors as your Independent Contractors. Pay what you deem is fair and reasonable to deliver your flyers in as many letter boxes as they can. As they will be your independent contractors, they will operate under your terms and conditions.  

    Sample Ad:
    "Looking for hard working people to deliver flyers to xxxx letter boxes per week. Please contact me for more information. Will pay $xx* per xxxx flyers delivered in letter boxes."
  • After you have hired your independent contractors, email them your flyer you downloaded in 1a above, and have them print 250 A4 copies. There will be 4 flyers on each printed A4 page, so have them cut in the middle horizontally, and in the middle vertically.

    When cut 250 A4 Copies x 4 Flyers Per Page  = 1,000 Flyers.  
  • If you hired 3 Flyer Distributors from 3 different areas (9 Flyer Distributors) as in diagram above, and you had them print out/cut 1000 flyers each week, you would have 9,000 Flyers

    9 Flyer Distributors x 1000 flyers = 9,000 flyers In Circulation Each week 

Earning Potential:

In this example, if only 20% of people scan the QR Code on your Flyer each week and then initiate 2 clicks to reserve their complimentary vacation, here is your Weekly Earning Potential:

20% x 9,000 = 1,800 Scans

1,800 x $2.00 = $3,600.00 USD

Weekly Earning Potential: $3,600.00 USD/Wk.
Annualized Earning Potential: $187,000 USD/Yr

1d) Bonus Strategy 2: "Physical Business Hand out" Explode Your Income...

Strategy 2 Overview:

Established Businesses have the potential to reach hundreds and in many cases thousands of new people Each day. Each business would welcome the opportunity for their prospects/customers to receive a Complimentary Vacation to a destination of their choice valued at up to $1,200.00 USD. 

Within Each US City/State, hire a team of Students/Flyer Distributors to hand out your flyers to as many Businesses they can Each week.

Benefits of this Strategy:

  • Businesses of all types would love the opportunity to a Complimentary Vacation to everyone that physically visits the business and/or as a "Thank you" to their customers after they transact with the business.
  • You Generate $2.00 USD each time Their prospects/customers scans your QR Code and initiates 2 clicks on our page;  
  • The Businesses prospects/customers will receive their selected complimentary vacation voucher, after simply sharing our car insurance savings offer;
  • As a result of their share, we get to help more people save Big on their car insurance;

Everyone wins...

Detailed steps:

  • Position yourself as a Flyer Distribution Manager, and hire a team of Students/Flyer Distributors within each US City/State.  

    See diagram below:
  • Place free ads on Airtasker, Craigslist or any other Job board to hire Students/Flyer Distributors as your Independent Contractors. Pay what you deem is fair and reasonable to hand out your flyers to as many Businesses they can. As they will be your independent contractors, they will operate under your terms and conditions.  

    Sample Ad:
    "Looking for hard working Flyer Distributors to pass out flyers to Businesses in City/State XXX. Please contact me for more information. Will pay $xx* per xxxx flyers passed out."
  • After you have hired your Students/Flyer Distributors, email them your flyer you downloaded in 1a above, and have them print 500 A4 copies. There will be 4 flyers on each printed A4 page, so have them cut in the middle horizontally, and in the middle vertically.

    When cut 500 A4 Copies x 4 Flyers Per Page  = 2,000 Flyers.  
  • Types of businesses that have a Large Reach of Existing and New Customers that we recommend your Flyer Distributors hand your flyers out too include:

    => Local Travel Agents;
    => Tour Operators;
    => Restaurants/Pizza shops/Cafe's;
    => Grocery Stores & Shopping Malls;
    => Hair Salons;
    => Car Dealerships;
    => Petrol Stations;
    => Automotive Repair Shops;
    => Accountants;
    => College Sororities;
    => Churches;
    => + any other established local business
  • If you hired 3 flyer distributors from 3 locations (9 Flyer Distributors) as in diagram above, and you had them print out/cut 2000 flyers each week, you would have 18,000 Flyers

    9 Distributors x 2000 flyers = 18,000 flyers In Circulation Each week 

    Important: When your distributors hand out your flyers to Businesses, have them say this script

"In Partnership with Compare Quotes Fast, we are distributing these Flyers to Businesses like yours. Everyone that scans the QR code on this flyer has the opportunity to claim a Complimentary Vacation of their choice valued at up to $1,200 USD.

Your prospects/customers will receive their Complimentary Vacation Voucher to their email, after they take a few minutes sharing the Car Insurance Savings Offer of Compare Quotes Fast. It's that easy! Nothing to purchase!

Boost your weekly sales revenue by offering this Complimentary Vacation to everyone that physically visits your business. More visits = more revenue. Alternatively you can build goodwill and offer this as a Thank you to your customers that have transacted with your business.

You are free to make as many photocopies as you like."

Earning Potential:

Imagine having hundreds of businesses photocopying your Flyer each week, and imagine having 10,000 people scan your flyer each week for their opportunity to claim a complimentary vacation of their choice.

10,000 x $2.00 = $20,000.00 USD

Weekly Earning Potential: $20,000.00 USD/Wk.

Step 2: Share on All Online Platforms Below 

Your Online Social Sharing goal is to maximize the number of people each day in the US, that will view the Advertising Message shared then click through on your custom referral link, and initiate 2 clicks on our page that result in a $2.00 USD payable action. The more people you can get to complete this payable action, the more revenue you could generate.

We recommend you take 10 minutes to repeat these sub-steps below each week, to maximize visits through your custom referral link.

*Important: , when you click each on platform below, our system Automatically Generates and Posts the Advertising Message with your Custom Referral Link, so we can track all the referrals from you. Click & Share on each platform below to Maximize Your Income.

2a) Click to Share on these Popular Social platforms – 2 Minutes

Click each of the social share buttons below, to post directly on these platforms:

2b) Click to Share on Gmail – 2 Minutes

Click this button to share on Gmail then follow these 5 steps to share with all your contacts:

1 - Click the "To" Text

2 - Select "All Contacts"

3 - Check "Select All"

4 - Click "Insert"

5 - Click "Send"

2c) Click to Share on Yahoo – 2 Minutes

Click this button to share with all your contacts on Yahoo:

2d) Click to Share on these Messenger platforms – 2 Minutes

Click each of the messenger platforms below, and share with all your friends

2e) Click to Place Link in Your TikTok Account – 2 Minutes

TikTok has a feature that lets users add a link in their Bio.  If you have a good following, this can translate into $,$$$ per week.

To add a link in your TikTok Bio, follow these steps:

  • Open Your TikTok Account
  • Click on 'Profile'
  • Tap 'Manage Account'
  • Change Your Personal Account to a TikTok Business Account
  • Go Back to the Profile Page
  • Click this button to copy your custom referral link:
  • Paste this Link into the TikTok Box
  • Click the 'Submit' Button


Step 3: Accelerate Your Income With Email Broadcasts, and/or Share Anywhere Using Your Tracking Link

Your Email goal is to maximize the number of people each day who receive the Advertising Email Message in their Inbox, view, then click through on your custom referral link, and initiate 2 clicks on our page that result in a $2.00 USD payable action. The more people you can get to complete this payable action, the more revenue you could generate.

If you have a list of student emails, this may be a great strategy to execute.

3a) Copy Message + Link to Use with Email

If you have an Email list and/or can partner with people that have massive lists, then you could generate a Huge windfall of income in a very short period of time by using our high converting message below. This message includes your custom tracking link so we know the number of referrals that came from you. 

Today, Claim Your Complimentary Vacation Voucher to a Nearby Destination of Your Choice valued at $1,200.00 USD.  

Stay in a Luxury Hotel or Resort with No Timeshare Presentation.To Qualify, Simply Share our Popular Car Insurance Savings and receive your Complimentary Vacation Voucher to your email. 

It's that easy! Nothing to purchase!

Hurry, Limited Complimentary Vouchers Remain... Click the link below to select your destination, then click continue to access your share page and follow the steps from there 


Just Click "Copy Link With Above Text" button above to copy the advertising message along with your custom tracking link.


Next, simply paste inside your email platform, and broadcast to all subscribers in your list, or send this text (with your tracking link) to any large email list owner so they can send to their entire subscriber list. 

You can also paste this text + link inside any other social site or platforms you feel will obtain a massive number of clicks and referral through your link.

Earning Potential:

Imagine you had an existing email list, or partnered with a list owner each week that had a subscriber list of 10,000 people. If only 30% of subscribers initiated the 2 clicks to enroll, this is your Weekly Earning Potential:

3,000 x $2.00 = $6,000.00 USD


Weekly Earning Potential: $6,000.00 USD/Wk.

3b) Copy Your Custom Referral Tracking Link & Share Anywhere

If you just want to copy your custom referral tracking link and share anywhere else you wish, click on the button below:

Benefits of Our 2 Click Vacation Referral Program:

  • 2 Click Easy Conversion Point: Each person you refer from the US only needs to initiate 2 Clicks from any desktop or mobile device, and you get paid $2.00 USD for this action. 1st click to select destination & 2nd click to continue. 2 clicks = $2.00 to you;
  • Popular Mass Appeal Offer: 93% of Award Recipients Prefer Travel, over any other form of Incentive (USA Today Survey). Also a study by Oxford Economics showed that people are 3 times more motivated to take action when offered tangible incentives (like travel) than when offered cash incentives;
  • No Timeshare Presentation: Each person you refer will instantly receive their Complimentary Vacation to stay at a Luxury Hotel or Resort of their choice valued at up to $1,200.00, after simply sharing our popular car insurance offer. No Purchase is Necessary and No Timeshare Presentation is Necessary;
  • Solid & Reputable Track Record: Over 1,000,000 (Yes, 1 Million) Happy Complimentary Voucher recipients have already traveled to their chosen Destination, all fulfilled directly through our partner in house travel agency Redeem Vacations;
  • Travel Flexibility: Voucher recipients have up to 2 years to select a date of travel and can create lasting memories by traveling solo, or can take their Partner and up to 2 children at no additional cost
  • Replacement or Additional Income Stream: Use this program to replace or provide an additional Solid income stream for yourself and your family;
  • Freedom & Lifestyle: Follow each of the steps outlined on this page, to create the Freedom & Lifestyle you deserve without any technical skills;
  • Unlimited Earning Potential: Continue referring as many people as you can, and benefit from Unlimited Weekly Income;
  • Monthly Giveaways: Top Performing Partners can receive; Cash Prizes, Holiday Giveaways, Gift card Giveaways, and much more...

Video Testimonials from Recent Travellers

* Click on top right of player to see more videos:

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